6 Misunderstood Facts About Liposuction Procedure!

6 Misunderstood Facts About Liposuction Procedure!

If you are considering to undergo a liposuction procedure for stubborn fat removal, you are on the right track! Provided you have understood the facts in the right frame and are not misconstrued about any information that doesn’t confirm the actual sheet.

We at Skinnovation Clinics are considerate about your physical as well as mental health, and hence, we understand that you need to remove all possible doubts before you make a decision in favour of a reconstruction procedure.

Here are 6 facts about liposuction that are often misunderstood and mislead people against it:

  1. Liposuction is A Cure For Obesity

No, it is not! By any means, liposuction is not a treatment for obesity. It is a procedure which primarily focuses in stubborn fat removal from body areas that need correction, like belly, thighs, breasts, back and side handles. In fact, expert surgeons always advice to go for a liposuction only when the patient within 30% of your ideal body weight. Liposuction removes fat deposits that have not responded to exercise and diet. To understand better, liposuction is a procedure which must be carried out in conjunction with lifestyle and weight-loss decisions to help complete an overall aesthetic look and shape up localized small areas of the body.


  1. Liposuction Can Be Conducted By Any Practicing Doctor

 This is quite a harmful statement! Often a liposuction treatment is offered at normal clinics, which should not be considered. Liposuction is a procedure that must be conducted by certified and experienced plastic surgeons. Also, for great results, you need a great surgeon with experience. A plastic surgeon holds specialized knowledge, education, and expertise in aesthetic and reconstructive surgeries. Always consider a good surgeon and save yourself from harmful later effects.


  1. Liposuction Is Only Good For Fat Removal

Commonly, it is used to remove stubborn fat from small parts of the body to get a specific look. But, in all actuality, liposuction works best when combined with other aesthetic procedures. For example,  a skin tightening procedures such as abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, or a thigh lift need a liposuction to be combined to give a newly sculpted contour to the particular body area.  It helps when skin is no longer elastic enough (either because of age, medical condition or pregnancy) to adapt to the changes.


  1. Only Women Need Liposuction

 Yes, it is true that women are more appearance cautious and thus are more inclined towards corrective surgeries, but, this cannot be considered a fact. Many heterosexual men who are getting more and more careful about their image, turn to liposuction for body correction, especially the upper torso. At least one in four men aged between 50 and 80 develop larger breasts – a condition known as gynecomastia in which fat accumulates under the nipples. Liposuction is used to remove some of the fat and to reduce the swelling.


  1. After Weight Loss Liposuction Is of No Use

 Even if you have lost weight to a great deal, for example, in cases of extreme weight loss caused by bariatric surgery (gastric band or bypass procedure) the patient will often require liposuction to correct excess skin and other abnormalities. Most common lifts such as tummy tuck surgery need liposuction to correct abnormalities and create a more contoured finish.


  1. There Is No Medical Need For Liposuction

 Surprisingly, liposuction has also been shown to help other disorders such as excessive underarm sweating. Axillary bromhidrosis (excessive underarm sweating producing repulsive odour) is a common but unpleasant and distressing problem faced by many people. Liposuction is a recognized remedy for this disorder.

Our prices are very transparent. To know about the price for Liposuction,

For more unanswered questioned, get in touch with us and ask for a consultation with Dr Rajat Gupta, to remove all your doubts related to liposuction. To book an appointment, call: 9251711711 or click here.

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