Facelift Surgery

Facelift Surgery

As we age, the skin loses its elasticity & volume and starts to sag. Excess fat and loose skin on the face creates a saddened look, sagging of skin and jowls. This occurs vertically: the eyebrows, external angles of the eye, lower lid and cheekbone tissues all drop. Jawline definition is lost & lines start to appear in the corner of the mouth and skin loosens around the neck. But as you age, you don’t have to leave your youthfulness behind. With the help of a skilled & experienced cosmetic surgeon, you can counteract the effects of time & gravity and restore your naturally vibrant appearance, or even address the early signs of ageing with a facelift surgery.

What is a Facelift Surgery?

Facelift surgery helps lift the sagging facial tissues & give firmness to restore natural youthfulness of the facial skin. It also helps improve visible signs of ageing in the face, jawline and neck. The surgery can dramatically rejuvenate your face by tightening the skin & smoothing out wrinkles. Facelift procedure focuses on resuspending the muscular substructure of the face and neck (the SMAS and platysma) to achieve long-lasting, natural results.

The Procedure:

The procedure is generally done under general or local anaesthesia & involves an incision around the ear to enable the surgeon to remove excess fatty tissue & pull the SMAS layer & stitching it to tighten the underlying facial muscles to smooth out wrinkles. The procedure also helps to reduce the tension on the skin. Some surgeons do not pull the SMAS layer and only pull the skin and stitch it, this doesn’t remove the tension under the skin and the results don’t last very long. Hence it is very important to choose a well-experienced surgeon and discuss the outcomes & procedure of the surgery beforehand.

The Scars:

The qualified surgeon will make an incision in the crease in front of the ear or in the hairline, which allows the scars to be hidden extremely well that they are nearly invisible from a close distance of 1-2 inches.

Are there any side effects of the procedure?

When performed by a qualified cosmetic surgeon, facelift surgery is a safe procedure and an excellent way to rejuvenate your facial appearance. The surgery could include side effects such as blood or fluid retention under the skin, swelling, bruising, numbness or problems with skin healing. However, getting the procedure done by an experienced & educated surgeon at a good reputed clinic or hospital can minimize the occurrence of these side effects.

How long do the surgery take?

Facelift surgery usually lasts 1-1.5 hours.

Recovery after Surgery:

The patient can go home the next day of the surgery and can carry on normal activities, however, gym & workout should be avoided for 2-3 weeks. Stitches are removed after 5-6 days and if one experiences mild swelling or bruising, it subsides within next 2 weeks.

A good facelift leaves you looking naturally younger and a more subtly improved version of yourself. To know more about the procedure, consult Skinnovation Clinics: 9251711711.

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