6 Greatest Misconceptions About Plastic Surgery That Are Misleading You!

6 Greatest Misconceptions About Plastic Surgery That Are Misleading You!

Dr. Rajat Gupta from Skinnovation Clinics answers many such questions and brings the facts from fiction, to give a clarity on some prevailing misconceptions. Let us take a look.

The term “Plastic Surgery” poses a lot of questions in people’s minds, which is okay. But, to get the wrong answers to these questions is not okay. This leads to a lot of misconceptions about plastic surgery and people tend to think negative about it. Wrong assumptions do not let people get the absolute benefit of scientific innovations that are helping to improve on their appearances and lifestyles. This is misleading.

  1. Plastic Surgery Is Only Meant For The Appearance

This is a very common thought that people who want to look younger or good opt for plastic or reconstruction surgeries. This isn’t completely true. Plastic surgery is done for a wide variety of reasons. Procedures like rhinoplasty (nose correction), and otoplasty (ear correction) are also for reconstructive and functional reasons.  In fact, most who undergo plastic surgery are doing it for self-confidence, for health reasons, and even for pain management reasons.

  1. Only Women Should Go For Plastic Surgery

On human level, men have same emotional and psychological needs as women. A desire to look better, or to have a different appearance of a certain body-part is not confined to women. Thus, there are quite a few men who are getting surgical procedures done. Many men undergo nose surgeries, get Botox, have eyelid surgery, and many undergo abs reconstruction surgery. Also, having severe bags underneath the eyes becomes quite stressful and painful. Men undergo bag removal surgery quite often.

  1. Recovery From A Plastic Surgery Procedure Is Lengthy And Painful

Dr. Rajat Gupta has an insightful statement on this. He says “While each cosmetic surgery is different, as it depends upon how minor or major the procedure is, but, with the advancement in scientific technologies that are available to us today, most cosmetic surgery recoveries are not at all long or painful.” Just for an example, a mammoplasty (breast reduction surgery) needs a recovery period of about 7 to 10 days, before the woman patient can return to work and normal activities. Thus, most plastic surgery procedures heal within a time span of few days to few weeks.

  1. Botox Is Dangerous for Health

Not at all! The notion that Botox is a dangerous injection and can lead to diseases or other complications, is absolutely baseless.  Though Botox does come from a toxin in a bacteria, it has been approved by the FDA and is extremely safe. In fact Botox is now used as a remedy for migraine relief. Those who suffer from severe migraines and have had no success in the past with symptom relief from medications are finding that Botox is helping to ease the pain.

  1. Plastic Surgery Is For Old

No, absolutely not. In fact, the earlier the procedure is taken, better are the results. Age effects can dramatically and negatively change the surgical results. Also, older patients look overdone as the skin is pulled too tight and looks unnatural. Results and appearance look natural and more appealing if a treatment is taken at a relatively earlier age.

  1. Only Rich People Can Afford Plastic Surgery

Achieving better looks with an elevated self-confidence is on the bucket list of many and they do not mind saving to get the procedures. Moreover, non-surgical procedures such as the injection of Botox and the use of fillers like Juvéderm are surprisingly cost-effective. Since the results of most cosmetic surgeries is longer lasting that other method, it averages out to be more cost-effective than the alternative temporary solutions.

When it comes to plastic surgery, there are many prevalent, yet, baseless misconceptions. If you are interested in undergoing a procedure, you must consider taking a proper consultation from a renowned surgeon like Dr. Rajat Gupta, to get rid of all the misleading notions.

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