10 things to know before going for Liposuction

10 things to know before going for Liposuction

Liposuction surgery sculpts your body, eliminating unwanted pockets of fat from the various body parts like buttocks, hips, love handles, saddlebags, thighs, calves, ankles, breasts (including male breasts), back, arms and neck. Liposuction is often combined with other procedures to create the desired shape and is one of the safest and most popular cosmetic procedures.


Here are 10 things you must know about Liposuction Surgery:

  1. Liposuction, also known as Liposculpture or Lipo Reshaping is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgeries as the results are very effective.
  2. It is a surgical procedure that can help get rid of the stubborn fat deposits that typically don’t respond to diet and exercise to give a more slimmer and contoured look.
  3. Liposuction Surgery can be performed on breast, upper arms, face, abdomen, flanks, buttocks, thighs, calves, knees & Ankles.
  4. A small thin tube called cannula is used to extract the fat deposits from the body part.
  5. Liposuction can be performed on more than one body part during the same procedure.
  6. A patient can go home on same day of the procedure. However, only in very rare cases the patient is made to stay over night at the clinic/hospital.
  7. There is mild to moderate pain for first 72 hours and needs to take prescribed medicines.
  8. Liposuction can cause mild swelling & bruising which usually subsides in 2-3 weeks post op.
  9. Patient is advised to wear pressure garment during first 4-6 weeks to keep the contours as designed during surgery till the final body healing “settles” in.
  10. Furthermore, always remember to choose a board certified plastic surgeon who has a proven record of successful surgeries and can share their client testimonials with you.

Our prices are very transparent. To know about the price for Liposuction,

To know more about Liposuction Surgery and if you are a good candidate for the same, book an appointment with Dr Rajat Gupta, a board-certified plastic surgeon at Skinnovation Clinics: 9251711711.


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