Mid Facelift

New looks From The Newer Facelift

Today, facial rejuvenation procedures are progressively requested and are evolving as popular cosmetic surgeries. One revolutionary movement in this area is the addition of an extra step called mid-facelift into the traditional facelift procedure. A mid facelift addresses the mid-portion of the face which is normally unaffected by the facelift procedures.


Why Mid facelift?

With ageing, the skin looses its elasticity and tone and starts to sag. The sagging is more evident near the eyes and cheeks area. This creates a tired or gaunt look to you and reduces the youth vibrancy on your face.

Mid facelift surgery, commonly known as cheek lift is a solution for this as it reestablishes the youthful and smooth look of your lower eyelids and cheeks. It targets the tear troughs and volume loss of the portion above the mouth yet below the eyes. The results of this surgery comprise splendid midface and an energetic look.
The procedure involves small and deep incisions made on the face, mainly at muscle tissue. Through this incision, doctors adjust the fa and muscle tissue and tighten the area. It is a more focused procedure and is less invasive than traditional facelift surgeries.

The popular, as well as effective techniques in mid-facelift, is Silhouette soft thread lift, fillers, and fat grafting, which are all new sophisticated procedures. The patients experience quicker results with minimal bruising or swelling.
A mid-facelift is a very delicate surgery. It is very important to choose the best surgeon who is board-certified, very aware of the anatomy and has sufficient training and experience.

Dr. Rajat Gupta, a board certified cosmetic surgeon is the official trainer of Silhouette Soft Facelift and has trained many cosmetic surgeons across the nation.