Dermatologist Offering Chemical Peels That Works Like Magic!

Dermatologist Offering Chemical Peels That Works Like Magic!

Heard of chemical peels? Well, no matter if it is a new concept to you or you are familiar with it already, you need to understand a few things about chemical peels that the renowned dermatologist, Dr. Sumit Gupta is offering.

At Skinnovation Clinics, one can easily get access to glowing skin through chemical peels. It is the most effective and instantly rewarding solution to all your facial skin issues. Be it wrinkles, blemishes, marks or fine lines, chemical peels address the most distressing skin worries that you have.

Dr. Sumit Gupta is a renowned dermatologist practising at Skinnovation Clinics, and is known for his expertise in chemical peels. To answer a few questions that may be in your mind, here are a few important details about the treatment.

  • Chemical peels are skin repair treatments used for instant rejuvenation of face. These are performed using Alfa Hydroxy acids (Glycolic, Lactic)), Beta Hydroxy Acids (Salicylic Acid), Trichloroacetic acid (TCA), Phenol, Retinol (Yello Peel) etc. The treatment takes effect when the upper layer of the skin is peeled off and the underlying fresh layer becomes visible. This layer is usually wrinkled and blemish free, equipped with fresh skin cells.
  • Chemical peel treatment may produce a burning sensation when the required chemicals are applied. This doesn’t last for too long, it is only for few minutes. However, if the problem persists, mild painkillers or prescribed cooling agents work good.
  • The facial problems that chemical peels can address are wrinkles, blemishes, acne scars, and pigmentation.
  • Women can also opt for chemical peels for other body parts to get rid of stretch marks and spots.
  • The results of chemical peels show the best on lighter skin. On darker skin the results are not that prominently shown.
  • One must be aware that chemical peels are not that effective for deep wrinkles, sagging skin and engraved pigmentation. For these problems, there are other cosmetic alternatives available with Dr.Sumit Gupta.
  • Sun exposure is to be completely avoided after the chemical peel treatment.
  • Makeup is best avoided for at least 24 hours post chemical peel treatment.
  • The treatment takes a few minutes to complete and normal activities can be resumed immediately.
  • Anyone over the age of 30 can opt for chemical peels. In case of young who are embarrassed of acne and acne scars, the chemical peel treatment works equally good. One must consult an experienced dermatologist to get the best knowledge on peels.

In this appearance-driven world, looks matter a lot. Thus, it becomes important to maintain the facial beauty and freshness. Chemical peels render that and more to your skin. They bring back the vibrancy and youthfulness to the skin.

A few facial concerns that effectively get addressed by chemical peels are:

  • Fine lines under the eye and mouth
  • Superficial wrinkles caused by sun damage
  • Mild scars due to wounds or acne
  • Freckles and dark spots
  • Rough texture of skin

Depending upon the skin condition, different types of chemical peels available at Skinnovation Clinics. The expert dermatologist, Dr. Sumit Gupta can always suggest the best one based on your skin type and intensity of skin damage.

The three categories are:

  • Superficial peels – Affect the upper most layer, i.e. epidermis.
  • Medium peels – Reach the lower layer; dermis and remove the irregularities.
  • Deep peels – Take effect on the deeper layers of skin.

After medium and superficial peels, the skin looks natural and the texture is much better than before.After deep peels, the skin looks whiter than before, much smoother, somewhat like the appearance of porcelain, which is little less natural. Usually, the results of chemical peels usually take a couple of weeks to become completely visible.

Now that the solution is at your doorstep under the hands of the well-qualified dermatologist, do not wait anymore to reach out to him and grab the benefits of chemical peels. Call Dr. Sumit Gupta now now at +91-9251711711.

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