Abdominoplasty – The Tummy Tuck Procedure For Those Dream Abs!

Abdominoplasty – The Tummy Tuck Procedure For Those Dream Abs!

If you have been thinking of tummy tuck or have been searching for tummy tuck surgery, read on:

Tired of doing sit-ups, walks, crunches and weights and yet not seeing the taut tummy that you desire?

Well, this is relatable as this seems to be a problem with many who have a dream for a tight abdomen but are stuck with a tummy that doesn’t respond to exercise or diet at all. Many women face this issue post pregnancy. Many men are subjected to it due to erratic lifestyles.

With Skinnovation Clinics by your side and medical innovations bringing the ray of hope, you do not have many reasons to worry. You can simply call Dr Rajat Gupta, our highly recommended and board-certified plastic surgeon, and get the benefits of a tummy tuck or an Abdominoplasty, as the doctors call it.

It is a simple surgical procedure that helps the aspirants to gain that flat, attractive and fit mid region which they always wanted but failed to achieve. In this procedure, excess fat is removed from abdomen area with the help of liposuction, making the abdomen look leaner and fitter than ever. At Skinnovation, we use highly sophisticated and perfectly safe Vaser and Microaire techniques of liposuction to bring the best results of the procedures that patients are investing in. Once the fat is removed using liposuction, extra skin is also removed and stitched back to give a tightened, firmer appearance around the abdomen. Post the abdominoplasty procedure, you will be advised to wear a compression garment to maintain the contours. At Skinnovation Clinics, we provide customised pressure garment as per your body size and shape.

Depending upon the location and amount of fat deposits around the abdomen, Dr Rajat Gupta at Skinnovation Clinics would advise partial or complete Abdominoplasty for you.

No wonder, the tummy tuck is quickly becoming one of the most asked for procedures among men and women alike. It not only gives men the toughened abs that they desire but also helps women to attain a beautiful waistline.

If you are also suffering from distress due to the flabby abdomen which is not going despite multiple efforts, it is about time to opt for a tummy tuck procedure at Skinnovation Clinics, provided you are perfectly healthy and are not willing to lose or gain weight post surgery. Women opting for a tummy tuck must know that you should be done with your pregnancies before you go for it.

A tummy tuck or an Abdominoplasty is your answer to that beautiful and gratifying mid-riff that you crave for. Bring out your swimsuits, tight fits and trendy outfits that you always wanted to wear but never did.

Call us now and book a consultation to get the expert advice on 9251711711.

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