Tummy Tuck Treatment

Tummy Tuck/ Abdominoplasty

Abdominoplasty is the surgical procedure through which the excess fat from the abdominal area could be removed. This is also otherwise referred to as the tummy tuck. Many men and women are suffering from excessive skin or fat in the abdominal area. A tummy tuck is considered as a boon to resolve that condition. So, many are welcoming this surgery and the people undergoing this surgery are significantly increasing. This procedure is mostly accompanied by liposuction to achieve an elegant shape to the body. Our renowned surgeon Dr. Rajat S. Gupta is enlightened with various exceptional techniques to tighten the abdominal muscles. His patients are gifted with a beautiful waistline at the end of the surgery.

Tummy Tuck

Who can undergo this Surgery?

  • If your love handles could not be lost after strenuous exercise, you can definitely opt for abdominoplasty.
  • Many women might experience in the shape of the abdomen post pregnancy. This could be handled effectively by performing this surgery.
  • A massive weight loss could result in the irregularities in the shape of the abdomen. You can opt for this surgery to rectify that condition as well.
  • If you are unhappy about your waistline and protruding abdomen, you should consider this surgery.

What is the Procedure of Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty?

It is a straightforward procedure which would result in a flat, striking and tightened abdomen. The excessive fat from the abdominal region is extracted through liposuction. Skinnovation Clinics perform liposuction surgeries using tools like Vaser and MicroAire. Any excess skin found is discarded and stitched back. This would enable patients to acquire a tighter and firmer appearance in the abdomen region. The patients are suggested to wear compression garments to maintain the curves until the surgeon tells otherwise. The compression garments might be essential typically for a few weeks post the surgery.

There are two types of tummy tuck procedures carried out.

  • Partial Tummy Tuck
  • Complete Tummy Tuck

It could be either partial or complete.

The surgeons will decide the type of tummy tuck required for the patients based on the location and the amount of excessive fat.

If the unnecessary skin is not excessive post liposuction, surgeons could make use of Radio Frequency enhanced contouring techniques to tighten the abdominal muscles. It is one of the widely used most effective procedures. A Skinnovation clinic adopts a Radio Frequency technology called as Arvati to tighten the abdominal skin. This would produce significant results on the patients.


Will there be Scars?

After acquiring the sculpted look you desired, you would definitely want to show off your curves to everyone. But you might fear that others would be able to see your curves. Be assured the scars would be completely hidden under the bathing suits or underwear line. You can feel absolutely confident to flash your curves post the surgery.


What are the Tummy Tuck/Abdominoplasty Techniques available?Tummy Tuck Technique

Underneath are the few commonly employed abdominoplasty techniques.

  • Power-Assisted Liposuction
  • Hi-Definition Liposuction
  • Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction

Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL) – MicroAire makes use of the PAL technique. It has a power-assisted cannula that would enable the surgeons to penetrate the toughened fibrous tissues of fat effortlessly. It offers absolute precision and would result in remarkable results. It doesn’t damage the tissues, and the extracted fat could be consumed for Autologous grafting if needed.

Hi-Definition Liposuction – This technique would produce significant results if the stubborn fat has to be removed from a small area. It could precisely eliminate the fat from the target area alone without affecting the adjacent areas. This technique could be utilized to enhance the underlying musculature. If you are one of the people looking for muscular and athletic abs, you can consider this type of liposuction.

Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction – This procedure tends to make the fat in the target area soft. This would lead to easy removal of the superficial fat. Skinnovation Clinics can perform the minimally invasive procedure using VASER or Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy and Resonance technique. The fat in the target area is melted by passing ultrasound waves. Next, a cannula will be inserted to suck the fat.


What is SAFE Liposuction?

The most prominent plastic surgeon Dr. Simeon Wall Jr. has produced a revolution in cosmetic surgery industry by inventing the most effective technique known as SAFE Liposuction. The surgeons could utilize this single procedure to deliver results by enhancing the shape, rearrangement of fat and disposal of fat. Not many surgeons can perform with this surgery efficiently. Our well-experienced surgeon Dr. Rajat Gupta can perform SAFE liposuction with utmost perfection. SAFE liposuction process involves separating, aspiring and equalizing the fat. This is one of the most effective ways to treat fat deposits on the body. The patients would be gifted with the sculpted look after the surgery.


When Can You See the Result?

You will be able to visualize the results from 4 weeks after the surgery. The swelling would be completely gone by 3 weeks. You will have to wear a compression garment for a minimum of 10 days post surgery. The surgeon might request you to continue wearing it for a longer time if needed. You will be able to achieve the ultimate result in six to twelve months approximately.