Gynecomastia – No More Embarrassment of Male Breast Problem! Get Rid of It Now!

Gynecomastia – No More Embarrassment of Male Breast Problem! Get Rid of It Now!

Gynecomastia (male breasts) is not to be embarrassed about because there is a solution to it!

Many men suffer from overdeveloped chest area which starts to look like breasts. This makes them lose on overall confidence as well as their social and professional life. We, at Skinnovation Clinics, understand this dilemma, and hence, we present you with a highly effective solution to the same.

If you are one of those men and are not able to participate in social activities like swimming and gymming etc or wear your favourite tight fit clothes, then you must have a consultation with Dr Rajat Gupta at Skinnovation Clinics, who can suggest the best remedy for you and you can get rid of your problem instantly.

For now, we can answer the basic questions about the issue and help you gain a little clarity on the same.


How Gynecomastia gets developed in males?

About 30-40 per cent of males suffer from male breast problem which usually starts to develop in adolescence due to the extra weight that stays in the chest area, even after puberty. Other reasons could be hormonal imbalances, intake of certain medicines or the presence of other illnesses in the body.


What is the best remedy to Gynecomastia or male breasts?

No diet and exercises can help get rid of the droopy male breasts. Gynecomastia surgery is the only solution to it. Skinnovation offers the male breast reduction surgery, performed under the expert supervision of board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Rajat Gupta. The procedure is done with the help of highly sophisticated equipment which practically has NO CUT on the front of the chest and hence leaves no visible scars.


Are you a good Candidate for the procedure?

Well, of course, you are if:

  • You are physically healthy and are in an emotionally stable state of mind.
  • You have enough elasticity in your skin (younger age).
  • You are at healthy body weight and are not looking to gain or lose weight in the future.
  • You are embarrassed of the swollen chest area and cannot remove your clothes in public.
  • You wish to have a better upper-body contour with masculine and firm chest.


How is Male Breast Reduction surgery performed?

It is performed under general or local anesthesia.

The technique may differ for various types of Gynecomastia. Dr Rajat Gupta always makes sure to evaluate the patient’s overall health and the condition of male breasts to reach the specific type of procedure required. If the problem occurred due to excess fatty tissue along with the breast gland in the chest area, then liposuction is performed to remove the fat where small incisions are made and through them, fat tissue is sucked out with the help of a cannula. For gland removal, sophisticated instruments like MicroAire and VASER are used in combination to break the gland and then removed through a very tiny incision on the side or lateral chest wall. There is NO Cut made on the front of the chest! This technique described and mastered by Dr Rajat Gupta saves you from scars on the front of the chest and hence no visible signs of surgery are also left!

Once the fatty tissue is removed, skin excision may or may not be required to remove the excess skin and to resize the areola.


What about recovery?

The downtime is 2 to 3 days. For this period you may feel a little discomfort while raising your arms and you would also feel the slight stiffness in the chest area. This subsides eventually in the couple of days and you are ready to marvel on your newly shaped chest with a much-improved contour.

Dr. Rajat Gupta advice the patients to wear a compression garment for at least 4 to 6 weeks post surgery, which is our home product and helps to minimize the swelling and to support the new contour completely during the healing period. This garment also keeps the collection of unwanted fluids in the treated area, at bay.

Medication is advised as per the need. You are allowed to resume normal activities within 2-3 days, however heavy and strenuous work may wait for 2 weeks.

Wait for no further is you are eager to see a flatter, firmer and better-contoured male chest that you always desired. Boost your self-confidence with these permanent results. Call us now!

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