Facial Fat Grafting For Those Who Seek A Fuller, Younger Face!

Facial Fat Grafting For Those Who Seek A Fuller, Younger Face!

Face loses its volume with age. This causes wrinkles, sunken face look, and tired appearance of the face, especially around the eyes. Nasolabial folds (lines around the nose), marionette lines (lines around the mouth) and bags under the eyes are common problems with ageing skin. The face keeps getting more and more withered and deflated. In deteriorating age, when skin is naturally losing the sheen, this can be achieved through Facial Fat Grafting. A bright ray of hope for people who are craving for good looks and a bright face.


An emaciated face is not liked by any. We all want a fresh and blooming face. But, these signs of ageing can be reversed. Fat grafting helps to replace the fat that has been lost during the natural ageing process. It helps to make the face fuller and plumper, bringing back a refreshed and youthful appearance.


In the facial fat grafting procedure carried out at Skinnovation Clinics under the expert eye of qualified cosmetic surgeons, patient’s own fat is used to inject into the face to augment certain areas. The fat is usually harvested from thighs, abdomen, waist, or buttocks. Once extracted, fat is purified and re-injected into marked areas of the face through syringes. Most important factor that is considered is to keep the distribution of fat as per the natural anatomic status of the patient so that it renders a natural, non-made-up look. That is the reason, facial fat grafting must be carried by an expert and experienced cosmetic surgeon to achieve aesthetic results.


Choosing the doctor and well-equipped facility is important because patients look for consistent results and value for the time, effort and money they invest in cosmetic procedures. To successfully perform a highly sophisticated procedure like fat grafting the surgeon must be expert in preoperative planning, choice of equipment, choice of surgical sites, and meticulous surgical techniques. All these are the imperatives of the surgeons performing cosmetic procedures at Skinnovation Clinics. In case of facial fat grafting, the delicate process of harvesting the fat cells is involved, which is important to retain the motility, fluidity, potency and integrity of fat cells. Ordinary liposuction techniques cannot produce as many live fat cells, as it disrupts the cell membrane. Thus, meticulous and gentle harvesting is the only process that can bring out the fat cells in exact condition as they are needed. All this lies in the expertise of an experienced surgeon only. The surgeon must have the vision to achieve a youthful and fresh appearance as required by the patients. This requires expertise, experience, training as well as artistic talent.


Facial fat grafting is a safe, non-detectable and long-lasting procedure which is easily available at Skinnovation Clinics. Make a call now to know further and book a consultation. A young refreshed and attractive face is awaiting you.

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