Blepharoplasty – Eyelid Rejuvenation For Alert Look!

Blepharoplasty – Eyelid Rejuvenation For Alert Look!

Blepharoplasty Treatment by Dr. Rajat Gupta

Droopy eyelids give a face a haggard and tired appearance. It makes one look old and worn-out.

Skinnovation Clinics has a remarkable remedy for droopy eyelids, which is called Blepharoplasty or Eyelid Rejuvenation! The procedure helps to remove and tighten excess eyelid skin for a more alert and youthful appearance. Sometimes Blepharoplasty can also help to improve your vision by providing a less obstructed field of view, once droopy eyelids are improved.
Blepharoplasty can be of two types, based on the need:

  • Cosmetic Blepharoplasty
  • Functional Blepharoplasty

What Is Cosmetic Blepharoplasty?
It is a cosmetic eyelid surgery is majorly required for aesthetic reasons, to enhance the look and appearance of eyes. With age, stress, or erratic lifestyles, upper and lower eyelids become droopy and form bags around the eyes. Eyebrows also start to sag and drop, as a part of ageing process. The eyelid skin stretches, muscles weaken and fat pockets become more prominent as they bulge. This may also be a hereditary condition that runs in your family.
Such appearance of eyes and droopy eyelids can be corrected through Cosmetic Blepharoplasty.

What Is Functional Blepharoplasty?
A Functional Blepharoplasty is eyelid surgery performed for medical reasons.In most cases, a functional eye lift is performed to remove loose skin from the upper eyelid if it drops low enough to impair your vision for driving or other visual tasks.Another functional problem is difficulty wearing glasses or contact lenses, due to baggy upper or lower eyelids.Other medical conditions that may require functional eyelid surgery include; irritation from excess folds of eyelid skin rubbing together, forehead discomfort from overused muscles that strain to lift sagging skin in the eyelid area.

Most people who undergo Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery report satisfaction and improved self-image. Those whose vision was hampered by excess folds of skin often have improvements in the visual field they are able to see. Therefore, it is considered to be a boon for those who suffer from these conditions.

Consult your expert board certified plastic surgeon, Dr Rajat Gupta at Skinnovation Clinics and get the best advice for Blepharoplasty.

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